Can Regional-Scale Conservation Planning Influence Farm-Scale Actions?

  • 79 pages

  • Published: 26 Aug 2009

  • Author(s): Zerger, Andre, Warren, Garth, Hill, Patricia

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This RIRDC report is about a case study conducted in collaboration with the Birchip Cropping Group, the Wimmera Catchment Management Authority and three farmers in the Rupanyup district of Western Victoria to explore the potential of spatial information to inform farm-scale land use decision-making.

It describes the methodology used to map regional conservation priorities, it describes an approach for managing and analysing time-series precision agriculture data; and it presents the findings from a stakeholder workshop designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the methodology to support farmer decision-making.
The report is primarily targeted at regional natural resource management agencies such as catchment management authorities as it details an approach for spatially enabling typical written conservation planning goals into regional-scale maps of conservation priorities for use by landholders in their regions. The report is also targeted at the science community as it has identified a number of conceptual challenges associated with integrating regional scale conservation planning with farm-scale actions.