Capacity Building of Rural and Remote Communities to Manage their Mental Health

  • 94 pages

  • Published: 30 Nov 2012

  • Author(s): Hossain, Delwar , Chapelle, Betti , Gorman, Don , Mann, Wayne , Penton, Geoff , Saal, Rod , Woods, Mary , Goddard, Robyny

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This research report presents the extent of climate variability and climate change effects on mental health and wellbeing of the farming and associated communities in southern Queensland. It highlights significant issues relating to farming and mental health problem of the rural and remote communities, the services and facilities available, and the gaps and possible solutions to fix these. Specifically, it aligns with the objectives of the Collaborative Partnership for Farming and Fishing Safety, addressing physical and mental health.

The findings of this report will assist the Collaborative Partnership for Farming and Fishing Safety to undertake the necessary measures that will inform a portfolio of health and safety programs.