Chemical Use in Fodder Crops Interim report

  • 83 pages

  • Published: 12 Jul 2005

  • Author(s): Flynn, Anthony

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The Australian Fodder Industry (AFIA) has identified the entry of chemical residues into the food chain from fodder as one of its greatest risks to markets overseas and in Australia. Exceeding maximum residue levels (MRLs) in any market will likely see Australian fodder barred from that market (and possibly others) for the short to medium term and result in a loss of confidence in the Australian product for the longer term. This project is strong evidence that the Australian fodder industry is pro-active in preventing harmful chemical residues, and provides data that can be used to allay fear of residues. Currently some products used on fodder are not registered for that use and no relevant MRLs are available. This project seeks to amend this situation by listing registered products and their MRLs and identifying chemicals for which MRLs should be attained.