Development of a FloraSearch project for Southern Australia

  • 39 pages

  • Published: 1 Sep 2002

  • Author(s): Bulman, Peter, et al

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The Joint Venture Agroforestry Program (JVAP) initiated a workshop to address the urgent need to find economic revegetation options to assist in controlling dryland salinity in the low rainfall zones of Southern Australia. The workshop was held in March 2001 with participants from academic, government and private fields relating to salinity management and associated industries.

Currently there are only limited opportunities to extend more traditional forestry and existing plant-based industries into lower rainfall zones (e.g. round wood, fodder shrubs, firewood, sandalwood and broombush). The workshop aimed to focus on developing a project to search for species suitable for new integrated tree crop industries, and assess the feasibility of those industries and their related products.