Diagnostic tools for detection of vv IBDV strains and characterisation of Australian variants

  • 12 pages

  • Published: 1 Nov 2001

  • Author(s): Ignjatovic, J., Sapats, S., Gould, G.

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This publication summarises results obtained from the 1 July 1997 to 30 June 2000 at the CSIRO Division of Animal Health, Australian Animal Health Laboratory, Geelong. In addition to the principal investigators, Dr S. Sapats, Dr J. Ignjatovic and Mrs. G. Gould, other persons that contributed to the project are Dr H. Heine, Dr S. Prowse , Mr P. Selleck and Ms S. Spiess. Drs A. Gould, H. Westbury, P. Daniels, D. Boyle and Mr T. Pye and Ms J. Kattenbelt were involved in diagnosis of outbreak in NSW in 1999.