National Honey Bee Breeding Strategy 2024-2029
In all livestock industries, genetic selection has been used to increase animal productivity and, by extension, enterprise profitability. The Australian honey bee industry is no...
18 pages
Published: 1 Oct 2004
Author(s): Anderson, Denis, Dr
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Disappearing disorder (or ‘muck’ as it is also called) is fundamentally a problem of bee brood, although it also affects adult bees. The disorder appears almost annually during spring and early summer in bee colonies in north-east NSW and eastern Queensland, areas where some commercial queen production is carried out. In some years outbreaks can be quite severe resulting in serious losses of brood and bees, although in other years outbreaks are mild. Previous research had failed to find a cause. The objectives of this project were to determine the cause and possible control of disappearing disorder. 2004, 18pgs, Pub No. 04/152: $16