Project snapshot: Development of a stable-side test for Hendra virus
Hendra virus (HeV) is a lethal pathogen of major concern to the equine industry in eastern Australia. Currently, conclusive diagnosis of HeV is only possible...
24 pages
Published: 1 Feb 2005
Author(s): Hinchcliff, K.W., et al
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Examines whether exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage (EIPH) is detrimental to athletic performance of thoroughbred racehorses. Seven hundred and forty four Thoroughbred racehorses of both sexes were examined. Tracheobronchial examination was recorded on videotape and the severity of haemorrhage subsequently determined by three observers blinded to the horse’s identity and race performance. 2000, 24pp, Pub. No. 05/026, $16