Export Statistics for the Flower Industry (SR 104)

  • 24 pages

  • Published: 1 Jul 2001

  • Author(s): Brooks, Peter

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For many years, figures that describe the size of the Export Flower Industry have been used in many public forums. During this period, there has been an “awareness” that the figures are not showing a true indication of the industry.

The existing data has been used in reports which have formed a basis for a negative view of the size and growth of the Export Industry. FECA is concerned that this has led to a reduction in funding support for research and development for the wildflower industry in particular and that the basic information is misleading and incorrect.

Approximately 50% of the flowers exported are sold in Japan. These are sold on the auction system in Japan and their final value is only known after they are sold. Pro forma values are used and it is not known whether values are realistic. It is also not known whether values are “market”, “gross”, “net” or “guess”.