Australian extension capacity and capability: A map and a gap analysis
The need for a robust and effective national extension system to support Australian agricultural industries is imperative to achieve impact at the production level. A...
2 pages
Published: 15 Jun 2023
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DownloadPlan Bee is a national program designed to boost the quality of Australia’s honey bee stocks through genetic improvement. Researchers participating in the program have been working hard to build a national database of our genetic pool, an activity that has seen breeders from all major beekeeping states submit data into the program.
Plan Bee is also focused on ensuring all Australian beekeepers and breeders have the tools and know-how to forge their own path with genetic selection.
We’re here to help
Want to know more about modern genetic selection procedures and how you can get involved in Plan Bee? Get in touch with the project team today.
Nadine Chapman
University of Sydney
+61 2 93512267
Liz Frost
NSW Department of Primary Industries
0437 731 273
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