This RIRDC report describes and analyses a series of trials established between 1993 and 1999 in the North West Slopes and Plains, Northern Tablelands and Dorrigo Plateau to assist farm foresters select species for commercial plantations on farms.
The research, by Greening Australia in partnership with landholders, was designed to give farm foresters more confidence in selecting suitable species in the areas where plantation forestry has not traditionally been carried out.
Species establishment in each of the three regions is limited by its climate. The North West Slopes and Plains have low to medium annual rainfall with summer and winter distributions. The Northern Tablelands and the Dorrigo Plateau have areas exposed to severe frost with absolute minima of less than ?15°C in parts. Combined with low daily temperature maxima in winter and a short growing season the Tablelands are a difficult environment for many commercial species used in Australia.
JVAP was managed by the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC). The Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) is a partnership between government and industry to invest in R&D for more productive and sustainable rural industries. We invest in new and emerging rural industries, a suite of established rural industries and national rural issues.