Farm Machinery Regulatory Review

  • 98 pages

  • Published: 3 Feb 2006

  • Author(s): Gunningham, Neil

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The Report argues that in many respects the law can make a substantial contribution to improving Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) providing it is appropriately designed, complemented by appropriate education and training, and effectively implemented. In terms of design it endorses the use of performance standards supported by codes of practice and guidance notes, because of the greater flexibility this approach provides in most circumstances and because a stricter specifications standards approach would be both impractical and inhibit safety innovation.

In terms of enforcement, a mixed approach is recommended, with advice and persuasion being the preferred strategy but escalating to the use of administrative notices, on the spot fines and ultimately, prosecution in extreme cases to give credibility to the overall ‘enforcement pyramid’. More specific solutions are identified in relation to child safety, changing technology and remoteness of farms.