Fact sheet: Native grain species
Trees, shrubs, grasses and even small herbs produce seed. Seeds are designed to have carbohydrate, protein and enzymes for young plants and are excellent food...
14 pages
Published: 1 Dec 2003
Author(s): Begg, Mrs. Sonya
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This booklet describing possible techniques for production of edible snails has been prepared by Sonya Begg
following a visit to the International Snail Farming Institute and attendance at an International Conference
of Snail Farmers in Italy. The location was selected because of the snail farming methods that have been
researched for many years in that country.
Outcomes of this visit will be considered in a three year R&D project which is being supervised by Sonya at
Orange, NSW, and funded partly by RIRDC. The project’s objectives include an assessment of the viability of
alternative methods of mass production of edible snails – the creation of a model ‘pasture production’ or ‘free-range’
system for containment and cultivation. Such a system would be an alternative to the current labour
intensive and time-consuming production systems.