Flannel Flower – Development of a production system

  • 64 pages

  • Published: 1 Aug 2000

  • Author(s): Richter, Lotte von, Offord, Catherine

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Flannel flowers are in a range of Australian native plant species that are being developed as cut-flower
crops. Until relatively recently flannel flowers were harvested from wild populations. Techniques for
propagation and cultivation have been developed and this has allowed some growers to test this
species and assess its potential for Australian domestic and international markets.
Still considered a ‘new’ species to the industry, there is growing recognition that the flannel flower
offers an opportunity to cut-flower growers to expand the range of species in cultivation and explore
new markets. There is continued strong interest in flannel flowers in export markets.
This project was conducted to compliment industry development by testing selections in a wide range
of environments and cultivation systems, many of which are outside the ‘traditional’ area for growing
flannel flowers, the eastern seaboard of Australia.