Fodder Crops – Research in Progress

  • 67 pages

  • Published: 8 Dec 2008

  • Author(s): RIRDC

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The objective of the Fodder Crops R&D Program is to facilitate the development of a sustainable and profitable Australian fodder industry.
The Fodder Crops Five Year R&D Plan 2004-2009 addressed seven major research objectives:

Objective 1: New Products and Markets
Objective 2: Plant Breeding and Germplasm Evaluation
Objective 3: Crop Agronomy: Plant Nutrition, Disease, Weed, Pest and Micro-organism Management
Objective 4: Hay and Silage Production, Processing and Transportation
Objective 5: Improved Fodder Quality
Objective 6: Industry Bio security and Environmental Management
Objective 7: Industry Communication and Information Flows.

RIRDC produces Research in Progress summaries of continuing projects and those completed during 2007-2008. Our intention is to:
• give stakeholders early access to the results of ongoing and completed work to inform their decisions; and
• inform researchers of results to shape research directions.
The complete report on all programs is on our website at http://www.rirdc.gov.au

This report is an addition to RIRDC’s diverse range of over 1800 research publications, which are available for viewing, downloading or purchasing online thorough our website: