Husbandry and Genetic Strategies to Improving Hide Quality of Ostriches

  • 42 pages

  • Published: 29 Jan 2010

  • Author(s): Glatz, Phil

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In Australia a number of ostrich hides are downgraded due to defects. One reason for the poorer quality of hides is the presence of both large and small pinholes that are clearly detectable in the hide after tanning. Variations in these indentations may be caused by the degree and size of filoplumes and bristle hairs in the skin of ostriches.

This project examined whether there were differences in filoplume scores for birds on 3 farms from various ostrich breeding groups. To minimise the incidence of scars that may result from claw injuries during the chick stage, declawing was practiced on two ostrich farms to determine whether declawing affected behaviour of ostrich chicks and year-old ostriches and improved skin grades.