Improved Detection and Eradication of Hawkweed (Hieracium): Experiments and second-generation dispersal models

  • 78 pages

  • Published: 26 Oct 2011

  • Author(s): Cousens, Roger, Williams, Nicholas

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Orange hawkweed (Hieracium aurantiacum) and devil hawkweed (H. praealtum) are two stoloniferous perennials that have naturalised in a small part of the Victorian Alps.  Both species have now been declared prohibited species at national and state and territory levels in Australia.
For invasive plant species to be eradicated it is necessary to exhaust or remove seed banks. In this research a range of glasshouse and field experiments were undertaken to fill knowledge gaps relating to the seed ecology and biology of H. praealtum and H. aurantiacum.
In a second part of the project a modelling tool was developed to assist in locating where the species are likely to occur in the landscape and plan effective and efficient action.
Eradication programs are now in progress for both species in Victoria and for H. aurantiacum in New South Wales and Tasmania.