Improving truffle orchard floor management
Expanding production has positioned Australia as the world’s fourth-largest truffle producer, after France, Italy and Spain. In 2022, favourable growing conditions meant the country produced...
72 pages
Published: 1 Apr 2009
Author(s): Sparrow, Angela
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This RIRDC report details the development of the Tasmanian wasabi industry since 2005 and focuses on priority research areas identified by the industry in April 2005. In the last five years, the immediate focus for Tasmanian growers has shifted from supplementing the Japanese market to replacement of imported wasabi products in Australia and the development of value-added wasabi products previously unknown to the Australian food industry. The report provides information on access to planting stock, crop protection strategies and grower communication networks. It targets current and potential growers of wasabi, researchers in Asian vegetables, plant propagation businesses and investors in specialty horticultural crops.