Project snapshot: Development of a stable-side test for Hendra virus
Hendra virus (HeV) is a lethal pathogen of major concern to the equine industry in eastern Australia. Currently, conclusive diagnosis of HeV is only possible...
42 pages
Published: 21 Dec 2011
Author(s): El-Hage, Charles
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Australian Stringhalt (AS) is a debilitating condition of pasture based horses characterised by involuntary hyper (over) flexion of the hindlimbs when attempting to move. Although the condition occurs worldwide it has been particularly well documented for over a century in South Eastern Australia. In fact the pasture based or outbreak form of stringhalt is generally referred to as Australian Stringhalt.
This study was a pilot one to assist in directing the areas for research into the possible role of H. radicata in AS. Preliminary findings have been encouraging in relation to elevation of several metabolites some of which are known toxins in drought stressed plants.