Community Trust in Rural Industries: Year 5 National Survey 2024
The Community Trust in Rural Industries (CTRI) program has reached its fifth year, continuing its mission to provide valuable insights into the relationship between Australia’s...
87 pages
Published: 1 Jan 2003
Author(s): the Australia-Japan Research Centre
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Japan is a large agri-food market – Australia’s largest – and has extensive investments in agri-foods. The
Japanese food market is changing in ways that both threaten and offer opportunities to Australian interests.
The Japanese food market has been growing with strong trends toward eating out and consuming Western style
and imported foods. These trends have brought discernible changes to the market shares of particular
exporters to Japan, including Australia.
This project analyses the impact of changes and reforms in Japan on its food processing sector and links
between domestic and foreign suppliers of food products through foreign investment into and out of the
sector in Japan, as well as Australian implications. The research is aimed at better agri-food trade and
investment decisions by Australian companies, and government in respect of international agricultural and
investment negotiations, assisting the Australian food industry to expand its access to the Japanese market
and its market share.