Links Between Farm Forestry Growers and the Wood Processing Industry

  • 72 pages

  • Published: 1 Apr 1998

  • Author(s): Curtis, Allan, Race, Digby

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Within this publication a number of impediments to the widespread adoption of commercial farm forestry were identified.

In order to address some of these impediments the Joint Venture Agroforestry Program (RIRDC/LWRRDC/FWPRDC) commissioned four projects designed to address key impediments. The four projects were designed to:

• strengthen links between farm forest growers and the forest industry;
• identify policy reforms for farm forestry;
• identify opportunities for harvesting trees on farms; and
• identify opportunities for processing wood products on farms.

This report is the first in the series of four. It identifies and assesses the current status of the linkages between small scale forest growers and industry, and recommends a series of strategies for improvements to the current status quo.