Living longer on the land: Sustainable Farm Families in Broadacre Agriculture

  • 115 pages

  • Published: 4 Jun 2008

  • Author(s): Brumby, S, Wilson, B, Willder, S

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The current health of all Australians is an important ongoing political priority and significant resources have been allocated to determine the current health status and the needs of both metropolitan and rural/remote populations. This report provides a glimpse of the current health status of rural farming families. It increases our understanding of what affects farming families’ health and identifies measures to improve their health, well-being and safety. Many of the specific strategies to improve farming family health were provided by farmers themselves.
The report is targeted at those involved in rural health, agricultural industries and the farming workforce, with particular emphasis on those involved in policy and resource allocation decisions. Research bodies including universities, health services and agricultural industries will find the information useful in future planning to effectively service the needs of Australian agriculture.