Management Guidelines for Private Native Forests

  • 207 pages

  • Published: 22 Oct 2008

  • Author(s): Clinnick, Peter, McCormack, Bob, Connell, Mike

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This publication considers the planning, implementation and marketing decisions recommended and required to sustainably manage private native forests either at property level or as part of the regional network of timber production and conservation. Specific case studies for (a) foothill mixed species forests of the south east of Victoria and New South Wales, and (b) for dry eucalypt forest of South East Queensland are presented as examples of more intensively managed forests and the biological, economic and legislative factors which affect their successful and sustainable utilization for wood products.

The report aims to provide small-scale farm forestry enterprises with the general principles and decision strategies to successfully investigate options, source relevant resource information data and assist in planning, implementing and marketing their private resource. Giving guidance when to involve extension officers and or local government agencies. The management guidelines provide step by step assistance for inexperienced forest managers in evaluating and achieving timber production and conservation objectives.