Community Trust in Rural Industries: Year 5 National Survey 2024
The Community Trust in Rural Industries (CTRI) program has reached its fifth year, continuing its mission to provide valuable insights into the relationship between Australia’s...
77 pages
Published: 1 Jun 2004
Author(s): Toyne, Phillip, Cowell, Claudia, Mech, Thea
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The research complements and adds value to RIRDC’s on-going work on Resilient Agricultural Systems, and seeks to go beyond the growing interest in environmental management systems (EMS) in agriculture by looking at ways in which voluntary (non-legislated) environmental certification and labelling schemes may differentiate food and fibre products on environmental grounds in the marketplace. In this way, the report aims to progress current thinking beyond the application of the EMS (ISO 14001) process standard in agriculture, thereby shifting attention towards other environmental standards that, unlike EMS, enable food and fibre products to be differentiated in the market on environmental grounds, and which therefore have currency in the marketplace.