Each year about 20 people die from horse-related injuries and about 3,000 people are admitted to hospital with serious injuries. Based on the successful outcome of a 2001 pilot study, which monitored falls in South Australia and New South Wales, the scope was broadened to include all jurisdictions in Australia which conducted EFA affiliated events. This publication reports on the establishment of a national surveillance program to monitor horse and rider falls, and the results of monitoring these events during the 2003 and 2004 eventing seasons. Results analysed were based on data reported by EFA Branches for 136 of 161 venues which were conducted during the 2002 and 2003 eventing seasons. Data received from venues consisted of jump judges’ fall report forms, scores sheets, and Technical Delegate’s reports. Rider and horse details for riders or horses which fell were obtained from returned questionnaires sent to each rider who fell. 2004, 82pp, Pub No 04/171: $16