Mountain Pepper Extract – Quality Stabilisation and registration

  • 70 pages

  • Published: 1 Jan 2003

  • Author(s): Menary, Prof. R.C., et al

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The essential oils industry in Tasmania is progressing with investigation of novel, uniquely Tasmanian products. To that end, research has continued with Tasmannia lanceolata extract, following wide-ranging interest from overseas flavour and fragrance companies.
Market potential has been established in Japan, Europe and the United States. However, the product has remained largely unsaleable due to a lack of formal registration and confirmation of its safety for use in perfumes and flavourings in Europe and the United States.
The work presented here is based on the results of a previous project, (RIRDC Reference No UT-11A), where the need for product registration was clearly identified. Emphasis is on environmental issues, uniformity of product from native stands, clonal selection and requirements for registration.