Fact sheet: Native grain species
Trees, shrubs, grasses and even small herbs produce seed. Seeds are designed to have carbohydrate, protein and enzymes for young plants and are excellent food...
88 pages
Published: 20 Oct 2011
Author(s): Bell, Lindsay , Bennett, Richard , Collins, Margaret , Clarke, Heather , Ryan, Megan
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This RIRDC report is the first comprehensive assessment of the potential for native Australian herbaceous legumes to be developed as grain legume crops for the drier areas of the Australian grain belt. A review of the literature, along with assessment of various sources of unpublished information, was used to prioritise species. Grain quality and plant growth characteristics relevant to domestication potential, especially harvestability, were then assessed in a glasshouse experiment for 17 species of native legume. Three commercial grain legume cultivars were included for comparison.
This report is targeted at people interested in using our native flora to improve the sustainability of southern Australian cropping systems, especially in the context of a drying climate.
It will also be of interest Australia-wide to research funding bodies, scientists, plant breeders, innovative growers and members of the food industry.