Indian sandalwood pruning management to minimise fungal attack
This RIRDC report describes the potential impacts of pruning on the heartwood rot fungal diseases within Indian sandalwood (Santalum album) in Australia associated with pruning....
49 pages
Published: 1 Jul 2000
Author(s): Chung, Mr Brian, et al
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The primary markets for plant extracts are the flavour and fragrance industries which include soft drinks, food and perfumes. Over the last 50 years, the demand for essential oil products from plants has gradually increased because of a number of factors. Demand for flavouring and perfumery materials has risen because of the steep rise in the world population and a desire for greater variety in their food by the people of the industrialised countries. The increased concern for the environment and for the safety of food and the general difficulty in manufacturing synthetic alternatives has also contributed to the continued growth in demand for plant based essential oil products. Plant extract products also include medicinal and pharmaceutical materials such as medicinal herbs, morphine from poppies and insecticidal materials such as pyrethrum. The USA, Western Europe and Japan are the main consumers of these products and account for approximately 78% of total world consumption. The forecasted annual growth for these products is 3.5 to 4% for the next few years. Australia is well placed to capitalise upon these opportunities because of the existing farming skills, processing facilities such as extraction plants and the wide range of climatic conditions available for different crops.