Oaten Hay Variety Development

  • 49 pages

  • Published: 1 Oct 2002

  • Author(s): Zwer, P.K., Hoppo, S.D.

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Australian hay/straw exports have increased from 223,000 tonnes in 1997/98 to 393,000 tonnes in 1999/2000 (Mackie, 2000). In order to meet the new challenges in the domestic and export market for quality and quantity assurance, oat varieties need to be developed specifically for hay production.

The project aims were to improve oat varieties for hay end-use characters prioritised by farmers and hay processors by 2000. The new project focused on generating new populations and promoting advanced breeding lines currently in the program for oaten hay end-use.

This is the final report for the research project titled ‘Development of Disease Resistant, High Yielding Oat Cultivars with Enhanced Quality for Hay Production’ in established rural industries, sub-program, fodder crop research.