Olive water use and yield – monitoring the relationship

  • 47 pages

  • Published: 1 Sep 2003

  • Author(s): Nuberg, Ian, Yunusa, Isa

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This publication presents a project that monitored the water use of trees across four mature groves in South Australia for two growing seasons. The aim of the project was to provide estimates of evapotranspiration during the growing season, characterise the relationship between water use and olive yield, and provide guidelines for efficient management of irrigation water for optimum yields. The report shows how grove management affects water use and that the irrigation regimes of the monitored groves were not optimal for olive yield. It shows the necessity of developing irrigation practices that prevent shortage of water during the middle of growing season in mid-summer, and which partition more of the evapotranspiration through the transpiration pathway to ensure high olive yield and water-use efficiency.