Ostriches Their Nutritional Needs Under Farming Conditions

  • 62 pages

  • Published: 1 Aug 2000

  • Author(s): Farrell, D.J., Kent, P.B., Schermer, M.

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This project arose out of the recognition that the economic future of the ostrich industry relied heavily on providing cost-effective diets. Reliance on grazing birds was seen to be an important avenue of research. It is extremely difficult to quantify pasture intake and to distinguish its intake from that of concentrate feed, normally given as a feed supplement.
Since this project commenced, emphasis appears to be changing from meat to leather production. This means that for the best quality hide, growth rate and slaughter weight may now differ from those originally targeted. Nevertheless, overall results suggested that substantial amounts of concentrate feed can be replaced by grazing if the pasture is of good quality.