Overcoming barriers to development of the Australian jujube industry

  • 72 pages

  • Published: 5 Jan 2018

  • Author(s): Johnstone, Rachelle

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This report is about overcoming the barriers to commercial production of jujubes in Australia. The report provides a thorough economic review of the industry in Australia and globally, the industry’s strategic plan, quality standard recommendations and nutrient and irrigation recommendations and disinfestation options to allow market access.

The information in this report is targeted at potential jujube growers, propagators, and marketers in Australia. It is intended to provide these stakeholders with greater knowledge of the potential for growth of the industry in Australia and how barriers to its development can be overcome. 

Jujube production shows potential to be a profitable industry for Australia. Focus for the next five years should be on developing the domestic market with export market development as the long-term plan for the industry as production increases.