Potential Agroforestry Species and Regional Industries for lower rainfall Southern Australia. FloraSearch 2.

  • 137 pages

  • Published: 15 Jan 2009

  • Author(s): Hobbs, T, Bennell, M, Huxtable, D, Bartle, J, Neumann, C, George, N, McKenna, W O\'Sullivan D

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This report identifies Australian agroforestry and fodder shrub species with the greatest potential for development as broad scale commercial woody biomass crops in the lower rainfall regions of southern Australia. It also highlights the range of potential markets and industry types that could utilise large volumes of plant biomass grown in the 250-650 mm rainfall zone from short-cycle woody crops. Spatial models of plantation productivity, existing and potential industry infrastructure, and expected landholder economic returns have been used to identify regions and industries with greatest potential for new agroforestry expansion or development.

It allows rural landholders, large scale biomass industries, government agencies and research managers to make informed decisions about appropriate species and industry selections for agroforestry development in the lower rainfall regions of southern Australia. It aims to influence decision makers at all levels involved in developing sustainable and productive agroforestry within Australian low rainfall farming systems.