The privately owned native forests of the Southern Tablelands of NSW fall into the category of low timber quality eucalypt forests and as such are essentially an unknown resource. Negligible information exists on their condition with regard to biodiversity, carbon storage, management intent and timber values. Most of the forest is Dry Sclerophyll Forest (DSF) on poor soils and with rainfalls that are marginal for forest growth. These forests can be both a liability (substantial costs of management with minimal returns) to the owner and an asset to owners and the general public because they are important for biodiversity conservation. The toolbox aims to provide owners of the forest with information about how they might re-evaluate and enhance all the values of their forests.
The report is generally quite technical and is directed to scientists in government and universities and policy-makers who have some background and interest in the ecology, mapping, description and management of Australia’s native forests. Well supported techniques are demonstrated and the private native forest management decision tree can be used by all interested persons and could be developed and applied to other regions. Further information can be accessed by following the references listed. The toolbox is targeted at landowners and the content is much less technical, although the interface employs the latest and most sophisticated information technology.