Proceedings of the 4th Australian Industrial Hemp Conference

  • 101 pages

  • Published: 4 Dec 2024

  • Author(s): Stuart Gordon

  • ISBN: 978-1-76053-535-3

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The 4th Australian Industrial Hemp Conference brought together growers, experts, researchers and industry leaders to discuss advancements in industrial hemp cultivation, processing and utilisation.

Ten full sessions featured 58 presentations covering the wide gamut of subject areas associated with this crop. An additional 15 high-quality posters, five high-end exhibitors and excellent catering provided attendees with much to talk about at meal breaks. Presentations covered AgriFutures Australia’s Industrial Hemp Variety Trials program; the genetics of pest resistance in hemp and the role of the plant’s cannabinoids in insect defence; the growing use of hempcrete; the Australian hemp food market; and the use of hemp as a fodder crop and to generate carbon credits.

Reports were also received from leaders of the new Australian Industrial Hemp Program of Research and Cooperative Research Centre Project research programs, the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority, and the Australian Industrial Hemp Regulators Network. Reports from the Federation of International Hemp Organizations, the Australian Hemp Council and our Canadian and New Zealand comrades wrapped up the two-and-a-half-day conference, held in the Hunter Valley region of New South Wales from 16-18 April 2024.

The depth and detail of the presentations reflects the growing maturity of the industry and deeper understanding and alignment of expectations for the crop – the varieties to grow, where and how to grow them, and what to do at harvest, through to post-harvest processing to present a commercially viable product to the market.

Post-conference feedback has been excellent. As always, there are learnings to be enacted for future editions, but the respect and conviviality shown by attendees means the industry is in good hands.

The organisers are indebted to AgriFutures Australia and the Warner Research Institute for their generous sponsorships, and to ASN Events, expert master of ceremonies Tony Hunter and the Australian Hemp Council for ensuring this year’s event ran smoothly.