Project snapshot: Future options for the control of the redlegged earth mite in pasture seed production

  • 6 pages

  • Published: 12 Jul 2024

  • Author(s): Luis Mata, Adriana Arturi, Aston Arthur

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This project built on a four-year Grains Research and Development Corporation investment, Future options for the control of the redlegged earth mite in Australian crops, to extend a subset of research activities for the benefit of the pasture seed industry. The project extended redlegged earth mite (RLEM; Halotydeus destructor) insecticide surveillance to include targeted screening of pasture seed sites, and provided support for further testing of novel mode of action (MOA) insecticides for RLEM control.

In doing so, the project monitored RLEM resistance and offered a testing service to pasture seed producers affected by RLEM resistance, and also worked with agrochemical and biotechnology companies to identify new insecticide options against RLEM and explore the potential of biological extracts. The AgriFutures Australia co-investment ensured these novel options were tested under conditions relevant for pasture seed production.

Project findings indicate significant challenges related to the current and long-term viability of chemical control options to manage RLEM due to increasing insecticide resistance across the southern growing regions of Australia and the lack of alternative chemical options. Furthermore, finding new chemical MOA groups that are effective against RLEM has proved challenging. This, along with the spread of insecticide resistance, has major implications for how to manage this pest in the future.