National Honey Bee Breeding Strategy 2024-2029
In all livestock industries, genetic selection has been used to increase animal productivity and, by extension, enterprise profitability. The Australian honey bee industry is no...
Published: 26 Mar 2015
Author(s): Salvin, S
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DownloadPublic land is an important resource for Queensland beekeepers, particularly during the crucial periods of hive build up prior to and post pollination. Whilst beekeepers derive a direct benefit from accessing this resource, pollination-reliant industries also derive substantial indirect benefits from such access.
The management objectives for public land in Queensland are defined in the legislation under which the land tenure has been established and/or in specific plans of management. Public land is typically managed to meet a range of community, recreational, educational, commercial and conservation objectives.
The compatibility of beekeeping on public lands is largely determined by the anticipated impact that the activity will have on the other prescribed uses. In some cases, public land sought by beekeepers in Queensland will be subject to few competing uses such as leased land, which increases the chance of complying with management objectives.