Fact sheet: Native grain species
Trees, shrubs, grasses and even small herbs produce seed. Seeds are designed to have carbohydrate, protein and enzymes for young plants and are excellent food...
47 pages
Published: 22 Oct 2008
Author(s): Hassal, Anthony, Hassall
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This report quantifies the economic benefits of farm forestry at the national scale through its contribution to the economy; identifies the value of farm forestry’s role in natural resource management and estimates its economic value to Australia; and discusses the social value of farm forestry in regional Australia.
The aim of this report is to increase the understanding by growers, industry, prospective investors and policy makers of the benefits of farm forestry.
Although the development of farm forestry has received support from the Australian government, State and private investors for over a decade, there have been few efforts to value the sector’s achievements, role and value at a national scale. There is also a need to improve coordination and understanding of farm forestry.
This report presents an overview of the farm forestry sector and resources across Australia as a basis for identifying the economic, social and environmental values of farm forestry. Each of these three values is addressed, with the results of the analysis summarised to highlight the identified values and the information gaps identified during this process. The implications of these findings for key stakeholders are then reported and a brief set of recommendations provided.