Quinoa and the Australian Consumer

  • 50 pages

  • Published: 5 Feb 2008

  • Author(s): Vogel, Robert, Vogel, Dean

  • ISBN: 1-74151-604-8

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Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) is investigating the commercial potential of quinoa (pronunciation: keen-wa) in Australia. Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) belongs to the Chenopodiaceace family whose members include Sugar Beet, Table Beet Spinach and Swiss Chard. There are three main varieties of quinoa that are cultivated, white, dark red and a purple or black. It is considered a cereal and the small seed when cooked has a slight crunchy, with a fluffy consistency and a mild, delicate nutty flavour. Quinoa is high in protein, calcium and iron and is a relatively good source of vitamin E and several of the B vitamins.