Australian Chicken Meat Industry Sustainability Framework
Message from the Australian Chicken Meat Federation Chief Executive Officer, Mary Wu The industry is proud to deliver the inaugural Australian Chicken Meat Industry Sustainability...
32 pages
Published: 4 Jun 2015
Author(s): Brown, Grant
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This report presents the results of several case studies that investigated the potential benefits of replacing old and potentially inefficient ventilation fans in meat chicken sheds with higher efficiency models that are currently available. To assist producers to calculate the potential energy and cost savings of replacing fans in their own situation, a spreadsheet was developed – ‘Ventilation Fan Cost Calculation Spreadsheet’ – which can also be downloaded from the RIRDC website. Additional guidance on how to estimate the potential savings from replacing inefficient fans, using this spreadsheet, can be found in the associated guide: ‘Guide—how to reduce costs and energy by replacing inefficient ventilation fans on meat chicken shed’, which is available on the RIRDC website (RIRDC Publication No. 15/034).