This JVAP report investigates the markets, economic drivers and spatial influences on developing commercial woody biomass crops in lower rainfall regions of southern Australia. This is done through surveillance of new markets and industries, detailed studies of production system economics and spatial modelling and analysis for a range of industries and regions. It focuses on Woody Bioenergy Crops for Lower Rainfall Regions of Southern Australia and explores bioenergy opportunities for electricity generation and creation of liquid biofuels to replace fossil fuel consumption in Australia. A region specific spatio-economic analysis Case Study 2: Woody Crop Potential in the Upper South East Region of South Australia identifies a region with significant potential for a wide range of woody crop industry types and investigates the feasibility of a range of industry types at high spatial resolution.
This research will help rural landholders, large scale biomass industries, government agencies and research managers to make informed decisions about appropriate species for new woody crop industry selections in the lower rainfall regions of southern Australia. It aims to influence decision makers at all levels involved in developing sustainable and productive agroforestry within Australian low rainfall farming systems.