Research in Progress – Joint Venture Agroforestry Program 2008-09

  • 48 pages

  • Published: 28 Oct 2009

  • Author(s): RIRDC

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Joint Venture Agroforestry Program Research in Progress Report 2008 – 2009, contains short summaries of continuing projects as well as those that were completed during 2008–2009. The Joint Venture Agroforestry Program aims to build a knowledge base that underpins investment in agroforestry products and systems so that they move beyond demonstration phase to realising sufficient scale to be profitable industries. As part of this, agroforestry can deliver services and products relevant to natural resource management needs.

There are three sub-program objectives. These are:

• Identification and development of new or existing agroforestry products and services
• Developing product-market linkages
• Integration and optimisation of commercial, environmental and social factors