Research in Progress – Rare Natural Animal Fibres 2008-09

  • 16 pages

  • Published: 29 Jul 2009

  • Author(s): RIRDC

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RIRDC produces Research in Progress summaries of continuing projects and those completed
during 2008-2009. Our intention is to:
• give stakeholders early access to the results of ongoing and completed work to inform
their decisions, and
• to inform researchers of results to shape research directions
The complete report on all programs is on our website at
Rare Natural Animal Fibres Research in Progress, June 2009, contains short summaries of
continuing projects as well as those that were completed during 2008-2009. This program aims
to facilitate the development of new and established industries based on rare natural fibres.
There are three program objectives. These are:
• develop new opportunities
• stimulate industry partnerships and adoption
• increase competiveness, capability and capacity