Research Summary: Rural Industry Futures

  • 16 pages

  • Published: 14 Aug 2015

  • Author(s): Hajkowicz, Dr Stefan, Eady, Sandra J, Dr

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Australia’s rural industries will be impacted by significant change at global, national and local levels over the coming decades. This will create opportunities and challenges for small and large farm businesses and have an impact on rural lifestyles and agricultural landscapes. Australian agriculture has demonstrated the capacity to adapt and respond to risks in the past and take advantage of an array of opportunities. The sector will continue to rely on productivity gains underpinned by a strong innovation system to ensure it is well positioned to respond to the future.

In order to help Australia’s agricultural sector anticipate and pro?actively plan for change, the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) has partnered with CSIRO to conduct a strategic foresight exercise on the future of Australian agriculture. The aim is to help industries, individuals, companies and governments make informed and strategic choices to secure better outcomes.

This research presents a narrative of the future for Australia’s rural industries built upon a set of interconnected trends and megatrends impacting Australia over the coming 20 years. Trends may be classified as geopolitical, economic, environmental, social or technological. A megatrend occurs at the intersection of multiple trends and describes a more significant and deep?set trajectory of change with profound implications.