Review of Wood Products, Tannins and Exotic Species for Agroforestry in lower rainfall regions of southern Australia. FloraSearch 1c.

  • 77 pages

  • Published: 14 Jan 2009

  • Author(s): ed., Trevor J. Hobbs

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This report provides results from three studies commissioned by the FloraSearch project to provide more detailed information on wood fibre products, tannins and overseas farm forestry species with potential for development in Australian agroforestry industries. These commissioned studies include:
– Assessment of Australian Native Woody Perennials for Potential use in Wood Products
– Review of Tannin Product and Market Potential
– Identification of Exotic Woody Perennial Species for Low-Medium Rainfall Zones in Southern Australia.

It provides large scale biomass industries, agroforestry scientists, government agencies and rural landholders with technical documentation of methods and results from reviews of potential wood fibre and tannin products derived from Australian native species, and an exploration of the potential for exotic species to be used for farm forestry in lower rainfall regions of southern Australia.