Sustainable Private Native Forestry – Timber production, biodiversity and soil and water indicators and their applicability to northeast NSW

  • 89 pages

  • Published: 10 Mar 2009

  • Author(s): Jay, A, Sharpe, D, Nichols, D, Vanclay, J

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This JVAP report reviews our knowledge base of native forest silviculture in this region, including what is known about the current condition of private native forests. It also reviews the use of indicators of sustainable maintenance of habitat and discusses their major strengths and weaknesses.

It will be of interest to those who want to understand the general nature of private native forests in northeast NSW and in the management regimes that have led to their current state. The report also should be read by those with an interest in developing habitat and landscape indices for planning and valuation purposes, including wildlife researchers, forest managers, and policy makers.