Industry blueprint: Tea Tree Oil
This blueprint serves as a resource for those interested in the tea tree oil industry and provides essential fast facts alongside the fundamental themes highlighted...
36 pages
Published: 27 Mar 2024
Author(s): AgriFutures Australia
ISBN: 978-1-76053-346-5
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Message from the Research Manager, Stephen Taylor
As we head into a new research, development and extension (RD&E) period for the AgriFutures Tea Tree Oil Program, it is timely to reflect on how far we have come.
In July 2017, Australian tea tree oil producers started paying a levy to fund important RD&E underpinning industry profitability and sustainability. The levy is set at 25 cents per kilogram of tea tree oil produced and sold in Australia, or exported, and provides industry with reliable and secure research funding.
The Program is responsible for investing levy funds in targeted and high-impact projects to support a prosperous Australian tea tree oil industry that aims to have sustainable pricing and production in long-term balance with supply. Other RD&E priorities include protecting and promoting the integrity of Australian tea tree oil, capturing a price premium, long-term sustainability of production, and identifying and managing regulatory risks.
RD&E investments are driven by the Program’s RD&E Plan. Developed in consultation with industry, the latest Plan included three key objectives:
(1) Improve supply of Australian tea tree oil through investigation of higher-yielding varieties, agronomic advances and reduced input costs, and better adoption of RD&E outputs.
(2) Increase demand through the development of innovative uses of Australian tea tree oil and drive diversification, particularly agricultural and cosmetic applications, and ensure market access.
(3) Focus on extension, adoption, commercialisation, industry sustainability and building human capital.
This RD&E Snapshot showcases a range of projects that align with these objectives and AgriFutures Australia’s overarching strategic priorities.