Industry placemat: Truffles
This placemat serves as a resource for those interested in the emerging Australian-truffle industry. Within this placemat, you’ll find essential fast facts alongside the fundamental...
105 pages
Published: 10 Apr 2012
Author(s): Mailer, Rodney J., Graham, Kerrie , Ayton, Jamie
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This RIRDC report provides information about the effect of exposure to oxygen, light and storage temperature on the quality of olive oil. Olive oil has been shown to quickly deteriorate when stored under less than ideal conditions. Sometimes growers produce oil with very high quality initially, which quickly deteriorates due to the conditions under which it is stored.
The report is targeted at olive oil producers, transporters, warehouse operators, importers and exporters, retailers and consumers. It is important to be aware of the risks of improper storage on olive oil quality whether buying, selling, transporting or storing the product.