The Health Benefits of Traditional Chinese Plant Medicines: Weighing the scientific evidence

  • 148 pages

  • Published: 26 Feb 2007

  • Author(s): Thomson, Graeme E.

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This project provides an important source of information for current and future industry investors and is designed to fill a knowledge gap on the current status of research and make recommendations for future research. The aim has been to critically examine the all the current science-based medical evidence supporting the use of Chinese medicinal plants. It has been designed to present results from a comprehensive, up-to-date literature review. This review targeted those Chinese medicinal plant species that have been documented to possess curative, preventive or palliative functions relevant to important chronic ailments in Australia. The study predominantly focussed on plants used in Chinese medicine and on plants with their genetic origins in Asia. Asian plants used in non-Chinese folk medicine were sometimes included when relevant.