The Horse Industry – Contributing to the Australian economy

  • 58 pages

  • Published: 1 Jun 2001

  • Author(s): Gordon, Jenny

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The horse industry has made enormous progress over the last five years in coming together
to address industry wide issues and encourage cooperation. The RIRDC Horse Program has
been a catalyst for much of this activity. In early 2000 Mr Martin O’Connor, the then
president of the Australian Horse Industry Council, sought to commission a large study to
estimate the economic contribution of the horse industry. The ACIL (1992) estimate of the
economic contribution of the racing industry of $2.4 billion was the only available estimate
and this clearly did not include a substantial proportion of the industry. However, before
undertaking major expenditure it was considered sensible to undertake a scoping study of
the feasibility of building a general equilibrium model of the industry and the usefulness of
the resulting model. This study is the result of this decision.