Treatment of Placentitis in Thoroughbred Mares

  • 42 pages

  • Published: 15 May 2012

  • Author(s): Carrick, Joan B

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Placentitis is a significant cause of preterm labour in mares and results in premature delivery of dead or weak, severely compromised foals that require expensive intensive care to survive. More effective prenatal treatment of mares is essential to reduce the incidence of premature delivery of compromised foals.

This RIRDC report details the history, clinical signs, ultrasonographic examination results, treatment and outcomes of 159 Thoroughbred brood-mares that were presented with signs of imminent premature parturition detected by the farm managers during the last trimester of pregnancy. The information was analysed to determine the most effective diagnostic and treatment regimens to improve pregnancy outcome.
This report is primarily targeted at equine veterinarians and the horse breeding industry.